Archives for wip

This is how the raw data looks like. InDesign will merge it into the placeholders of the template. So if you do work a lot on the balancing of your game and change values/text every play session you just need to alter the exel-sheet. pretty handy

Xanax Buy In Uk This is how the raw data looks like. InDesign will merge it into the placeholders of the template. So if you do work a lot on the balancing of your game and change values/text every play session you just need to alter the exel-sheet. pretty handy. :] #makingaboardgame #boardgame #wip #template #datamerge #prototyping #cards #playingcards

Playtesting the heck out of it! Was great to thinkering on new game mechanics with the modular board. Love where we’re heading with this thingy so far

Playtesting the heck out of it! Was great to thinkering on new game mechanics with the modular board. Love where we’re heading with this thingy so far… :] #boardgame #boardgamegeek #playtest #analoggaming #wip #prototype #tabletop #3dgame

scale check! smallest skelly is approx 1inch tall (1 voxel = 1x1x1mm, mid is 1,5mm and largest is 2mm). we decided to go for all the game components with the 1,5mm scale

Xanax Illegal Buy Online scale check! smallest skelly is approx 1inch tall (1 voxel = 1x1x1mm, mid is 1,5mm and largest is 2mm). we decided to go for all the game components with the 1,5mm scale. #3dprint #3dprinting #abs #wip #figures #monster #8bit #16bit #game #analoggaming #boardgame #boardgamegeek