Pretty excited to have our first play test with folks who don’t know Qublar yet! :] #boardgame #strategyboardgame #prototype #modular #terrain #3dprinted #3dprint #3dgame #cards #token #figures #miniatures #8bit
Pretty excited to have our first play test with folks who don’t know Qublar yet! :] #boardgame #strategyboardgame #prototype #modular #terrain #3dprinted #3dprint #3dgame #cards #token #figures #miniatures #8bit
Modular Map Concept – modeled in Qubicle Constructor / rendered in Max 3ds #voxel #terrain #tiles #digital #rendering #plains #trees #lake
Modular Board Tiles – interlocking is working great, assembling a mini-map :) #protoyping #cnc #tiles #rpg #dungeoncrawler #map #terrain #painted
Modular Board Tiles – 1inch acrylic sheet squares with upgraded interlocking pieces #protoyping #modular #tiles #rpg #dungeoncrawler #map #terrain #painted