Orks are hiding in the hills… :] Figures are still #warhammer placeholders #boardgame #boardgamegeek #prototype #playtest #wargaming #tabletopgaming #3dprinted
Orks are hiding in the hills… :] Figures are still placeholders

Orks are hiding in the hills… :] Figures are still #warhammer placeholders #boardgame #boardgamegeek #prototype #playtest #wargaming #tabletopgaming #3dprinted
a batch of tiny resources tokens for QUBLAR! …they look like 3d-printed space invaders! :] #boardgame #boardgamegeek #3dprint #3dprinting #abs #tabletopgaming #game #8bit #pixelized #pixelart
Card decks, trays and wood resources token ready for the next playtest! :) #boardgame #tabletopgaming #diy #cards #token #boardgamegeek