Archives for resources

Our first 4 player match! We needed to improvise about the rules a little but the game went really well and was great fun-printing Our first 4 player match! We needed to improvise about the rules a little but the game went really well and was great fun! :] #boardgame #prototype #resources #tactics #tabletopgame #3dgame #3dprinted #3d-printing

Playtest session of our first board game concept. We used a lot of proxy stuff like Settlers of Catan resource cards, Dominion coins and our own printed cards. The first game was a lot of fun

Playtest session of our first board game concept. We used a lot of proxy stuff like Settlers of Catan resource cards, Dominion coins and our own printed cards. The first game was a lot of fun! :) #boardgame #playtest #protoype #resources #catan #dominion