Building custom mini card trays for our game #DIY #carddeck #playingcards #playtest #boardgame #boardgamegeek
Building custom mini card trays for our game

Building custom mini card trays for our game #DIY #carddeck #playingcards #playtest #boardgame #boardgamegeek
Troop cards, resources dice & mine resin tokens. #boardgame #playtest #cards #protoype #tactics #boardgamegeek
Prepping the revised castle boards with all the building costs & a new deck of troop cards for the next playtest! :) #boardgame #design #cards #protoype #omnigraffle #layout #playtest #boardgamegeek
Designed event icons for the tokens. Punching out round stickers now. #wood #maple #protoype #token #boardgame #boardgamegeek #playtest
We decided to implement some random events on the map. So I’m making wood tokens for the next playtest. #cnc #milling #wood #maple #protoype #token #boardgame #boardgamegeek #playtest
Playtest mess! Yeah, we were playing with lots of different components for inspiration… :) #boardgame #playtest #protoype #resources #token
Playtest session of our first board game concept. We used a lot of proxy stuff like Settlers of Catan resource cards, Dominion coins and our own printed cards. The first game was a lot of fun! :) #boardgame #playtest #protoype #resources #catan #dominion
Paper prototype – An early concept where every player builds a castle on his side of the board. #boardgame #protoype #token #playtest