Archives for playtest

Late game situation of our first 4 player game. The cities are builded up nicely only the black player invested all his resources into troops & the wall for some defense

How To Buy Xanax In Australia Late game situation of our first 4 player game. The cities are builded up nicely only the black player invested all his resources into troops & the wall for some defense! :) #boardgame #playtest #multiplayer #tactics #citybuilding #cards #town #medieval #miniature #wargaming

Last playtest before we do a large multiplayer one. Rules and balancing are pretty solid but a standard game still takes too long Last playtest before we do a large multiplayer one. Rules and balancing are pretty solid but a standard game still takes too long… #boardgame #tactics #realtimestrategystyle #playtest #hexboard #building #kingdom #castle #cardfights #wood #resources #token

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