the battle is on! :] #boardgame #playtest #underconstruction #rules #board #modular #3dprint #3dprinting #tactics #arena #elements
the battle is on

the battle is on! :] #boardgame #playtest #underconstruction #rules #board #modular #3dprint #3dprinting #tactics #arena #elements
my guys needed to fall back to defend the base… wh-figures are just placeholders for now. #playtest #boardgame #development #modular #tiles #strategy #elements #3dprinted
setup for another playtest! playing a wind warband this time… can’t wait to test some new tactics. :] #boardgame #wargaming #tactics #strategy #playtest #3dprint #3dprinted
Testing the board with the element tiles and trying out some fancy new rules for the creatures #boardgame #bbg #3dgame #3dprinted #prototype #playtest #analoggaming
Playtest time! My dwarfs getting owned by the little gobbos. :] #boardgame #playtest #prototype #tabletop #miniatures #game #bgg
Playtesting the heck out of it! Was great to thinkering on new game mechanics with the modular board. Love where we’re heading with this thingy so far… :] #boardgame #boardgamegeek #playtest #analoggaming #wip #prototype #tabletop #3dgame
Prototype looks a tad shabby again but here u can get a peek at a card battle. #boardgame #playtest #tabletop #protoype #cards #tacticgames #cardgame #boardgamegeek
Multiplayer playtests were a great success but we now want to streamline the game further. Testing some new center board options. #boardgame #playtest #tabletop #protoype #cards #tacticgames
The five player test was tons of fun! Great alliances and battles between players! :) #boardgame #playtest #tacticalgames #boardgamegeek #cards #castle #token
More multiplayer playtest pictures, yay! :) 5 player game. #boardgame #protoype #playtest #wargaming #diy #boardgamegeek