Archives for monster

Playtest time! My [Base Stone] is already under attack but my brave “Ice’n’Berg” (little pink pingu) is holding the lines

Playtest time! My [Base Stone] is already under attack but my brave “Ice’n’Berg” (little pink pingu) is holding the lines! :] #boardgame #tabletopgame #boardgamedesign #indieboardgame #indiedev #prototype #gamedev #letsmakeaboardgame #cardgame #3dprintgame #3dprinted #3dprint #3dprinting #3dprinter #3d #character #characterdesign #minis #miniatures #monster #creatures #battle #dice #elements #duell #pixel #pixelart #8bit

40 Monsters waiting to be playtested! :] We don’t have all the 3d-models for these yet. For now we are trying to get a feeling what special abilities and mechanics would make the game most fun

40 Monsters waiting to be playtested! :] We don’t have all the 3d-models for these yet. For now we are trying to get a feeling what special abilities and mechanics would make the game most fun. :) #prototyping #cards #monster #ccg #tcg #cardgame #boardgame #carddeck

scale check! smallest skelly is approx 1inch tall (1 voxel = 1x1x1mm, mid is 1,5mm and largest is 2mm). we decided to go for all the game components with the 1,5mm scale

scale check! smallest skelly is approx 1inch tall (1 voxel = 1x1x1mm, mid is 1,5mm and largest is 2mm). we decided to go for all the game components with the 1,5mm scale. #3dprint #3dprinting #abs #wip #figures #monster #8bit #16bit #game #analoggaming #boardgame #boardgamegeek

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