Archives for makingaboardgame

some [Element Sources], two [Base Stones] and four [Force Stones]. The design of these is variable as 3d-printing allows the community to make/customize the design of the stones by themselves

some [Element Sources], two [Base Stones] and four [Force Stones]. The design of these is variable as 3d-printing allows the community to make/customize the design of the stones by themselves. #makingaboardgame #tabletopgame #tabletop #boardgame #playful #game #token #gamedevelopment #3dprints #3dprinted #3dprinting #3dprintgame

The chaps assembled. To be honest I only like the design of the smallest one…the others need some redefining. but that’s one of the reasons why we love doing our complete board game with 3d-printing

The chaps assembled. To be honest I only like the design of the smallest one…the others need some redefining. but that’s one of the reasons why we love doing our complete board game with 3d-printing. :] #miniatures #figures #makingaboardgame #boardgame #prototype #3dprint #3dmodels #3dprinting

This is how the raw data looks like. InDesign will merge it into the placeholders of the template. So if you do work a lot on the balancing of your game and change values/text every play session you just need to alter the exel-sheet. pretty handy

This is how the raw data looks like. InDesign will merge it into the placeholders of the template. So if you do work a lot on the balancing of your game and change values/text every play session you just need to alter the exel-sheet. pretty handy. :] #makingaboardgame #boardgame #wip #template #datamerge #prototyping #cards #playingcards