All 6 play sets bagged & ready! :) sappele wood, smoked oak, pear wood, maple wood, alder wood & walnut wood. #boardgame #protoype #playtest #wood #token #handcrafted
All 6 play sets bagged & ready! :) sappele wood, smoked oak, pear wood, maple wood, alder wood & walnut wood. #boardgame #protoype #playtest #wood #token #handcrafted
yay DIY custom resources dice :) #dice #diy #handcrafted #boardgame #boardgamegeek
All lined up for clear coat. #wood #maple #token #resources #protoype #boardgame #boardgamegeek #handcrafted
We also decided to use wood pieces for the resources. Way kewler to play & trade with as with cards! :) Wheat, Wood, Stone & Ore. #wood #token #resources #handcrafted #protoyping #boardgame #boardgamegeek
Ready for the next 2player playtest! Alder wood & smoked oak wood set #wood #buildings #tower #token #handcrafted #boardgame #protoype
Handcrafted set of wood buildings for our medival city building board game. Version 01 #wood #buildings #tower #token #handcrafted #boardgame #protoype