Playtest time! We have tested two important rule tweaks and they both seems to make the game flow smoother. yay! :] #boardgame #boardgamegeek #boardgamedesign #gamedesign #boardgamedev #indiedev #letsmakeaboardgame #3dgame #3dboardgame #8bit #8bitstyle #16bit #colorful #miniatures #wargame #tabletopgame #pixel #3dpixel #voxel #3dprinted #3dprinting #3dprints #3dprinter #3dprint
Character card mock-up. Still playing with the framework and graphics. :] #boardgame #boardgamedesign #boardgamegeek #boardgamedevelopment #carddesign #card #playingcards #ui #framework #pixel #pixelart #prototype #8bit #8bitstyle #colorful #graphics #layout #letsmakeaboardgame
Test prints of some card designs. Still a lot of tweaking till the final design is completed but it’s a start… #boardgame #boardgamegeek #boardgamedesign #letsmakeaboardgame #carddesign #playingcards #layout #graphics #type #typography #colorful #8bit #8bitstyle #pixel #pixelart #pixelgraphics
I’ve stained the wood tokens. What a mess, but pretty nice end product. They look almost as the ones in professional produced board games! :) #wood #stained #colorful #maple #token #protoyping #boardgame #boardgamegeek