Archives for buildings

Complete maple wood play set. Can’t wait to see these in action during the next big playtest Complete maple wood play set. Can’t wait to see these in action during the next big playtest! :) #boardgame #protoype #woodbuildings #token #wood #miniatures #buildings #strategy #diy #boardgamegeek

Upgrading our 2 player prototype to a 6!!player multiplayer game for the next playtest! Tons of new buildings in different colors are needed. I think each player should have his own set to build the castle on the board

Buy Alprazolam Paypal Upgrading our 2 player prototype to a 6!!player multiplayer game for the next playtest! Tons of new buildings in different colors are needed. I think each player should have his own set to build the castle on the board. :) #protoype #boardgame #strategy #wood #diy #crafting #gametoken #buildings #castle #miniatures