Now here’s something for the ones that have no intention to grab brush and palette: Full color sandstone printed “swamp cobold” from #shapeways. We will release the colored 3d-models together with the free STL’s so you’ll be able to order your minis already “painted”! :] #3dprint #miniature #tabletop #figure #3dprinting #3dprinted #3dcolorprint #boardgame
some [Element Sources], two [Base Stones] and four [Force Stones]. The design of these is variable as 3d-printing allows the community to make/customize the design of the stones by themselves. #makingaboardgame #tabletopgame #tabletop #boardgame #playful #game #token #gamedevelopment #3dprints #3dprinted #3dprinting #3dprintgame
there is something under construction… :] #letsmakeaboardgame #gamecomponents #boardgame #prototyping #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprintgame #3dprinter
I’ve applied a white base coat and added some bases. #figurines #miniatures #pixelated #voxelmodels #boardgame #boardgameing #3dprints #3dprinted #3dprinting #8bit #8bitstyle
The chaps assembled. To be honest I only like the design of the smallest one…the others need some redefining. but that’s one of the reasons why we love doing our complete board game with 3d-printing. :] #miniatures #figures #makingaboardgame #boardgame #prototype #3dprint #3dmodels #3dprinting
Modeled a little Gobbo family. Experimenting with new 3-part prints… opens up some interesting design options. #3dprints #3dprinted #3dprinting #3dmodeling #3dmodels #miniatures #tabletop #tabletopgame #boardgame #prototyping
…and beer barrels! your hordes will be thirsty for sure after a well fought duell! :) #boardgame #3dprinted #3dprint #3dprinting #8bit #voxel #gamedevelopment #prototyping
yarrrrr, no game without some treasures chests! :) painting these add-ons for a future expansion idea we had recently. #boardgame #3dprinting #3dprinted #3dprint #8bit #voxel #loot #treasure #gamedevelopment
Fire & Water [Element Source] sample tiles. get your best monsters ready to capture them on the board for you! :) #boardgame #3dprinting #3dprinted #game #gamedevelopment #prototype #rapidprototyping #painting
the corners are designed to show the element colors even if a figure with a base is standing on the tile and covers the element symbol. #boardgame #prototyping #3dprinting #3dprinted