Archives for 3dprint

This test batch contains two figures with bases and two Element Source tiles. If you have access to a 3d-printer (any system) yourself and would like to get the STL to help us testing, please drop us a line at info [@] qublar [dot] com. We would love to see how these chaps and tokens turn out on your printer

This test batch contains two figures with bases and two Element Source tiles. If you have access to a 3d-printer (any system) yourself and would like to get the STL to help us testing, please drop us a line at info [@] qublar [dot] com. We would love to see how these chaps and tokens turn out on your printer! #3dprint #3dmodels #3dprinter #3dprinting #3dprinted #voxel #8bit #pixel #pixelart #betatest #prototyping #letsmakeaboardgame #boardgame #design

I’ve prepared a test batch to 3d-print some of our game components. If you have access to a 3d-printer (any system) yourself and would like to get the STL to help us testing, please drop us a line at info [@] qublar [dot] com. We would love to see how these chaps and tokens turn out on your printer

I’ve prepared a test batch to 3d-print some of our game components. If you have access to a 3d-printer (any system) yourself and would like to get the STL to help us testing, please drop us a line at info [@] qublar [dot] com. We would love to see how these chaps and tokens turn out on your printer! #3dprint #3dmodels #3dprinter #3dprinting #3dprinted #voxel #8bit #pixel #pixelart #betatest #prototyping #letsmakeaboardgame #boardgame #design

The whole batch… the quality is pretty good besides slight distorted dimensions. But i’m really not satisfied with the colors. The [Element Source] tiles are a mess and the figures have parts with complete other colors as defined in the 3d-file

The whole batch… the quality is pretty good besides slight distorted dimensions. But i’m really not satisfied with the colors. The [Element Source] tiles are a mess and the figures have parts with complete other colors as defined in the 3d-file. #colorfail #noideawhatwentwrong #3dprint #3dprinted #3dmodels #3dprinting #boardgame #miniatures #token #8bit #8bitstyle #pixel #pixelart #3dpixelart

“Fire Gnoll” as full color. Sadly there are some really annoying color errors on all prints… on the preview they look nice thou. No idea where this comes from… :/ If anyone has experience with preparing 3d-models for color printing please let me know

“Fire Gnoll” as full color #3dprint. Sadly there are some really annoying color errors on all prints… on the #shapeways preview they look nice thou. No idea where this comes from… :/ If anyone has experience with preparing 3d-models for color printing please let me know! #3dprinting #3dcolorprint #3dmodeling #miniature #tabletop #game #8bit #8bitstyle

Now here’s something for the ones that have no intention to grab brush and palette: Full color sandstone printed “swamp cobold” from. We will release the colored 3d-models together with the free STL’s so you’ll be able to order your minis already “painted

Now here’s something for the ones that have no intention to grab brush and palette: Full color sandstone printed “swamp cobold” from #shapeways. We will release the colored 3d-models together with the free STL’s so you’ll be able to order your minis already “painted”! :] #3dprint #miniature #tabletop #figure #3dprinting #3dprinted #3dcolorprint #boardgame

The chaps assembled. To be honest I only like the design of the smallest one…the others need some redefining. but that’s one of the reasons why we love doing our complete board game with 3d-printing

The chaps assembled. To be honest I only like the design of the smallest one…the others need some redefining. but that’s one of the reasons why we love doing our complete board game with 3d-printing. :] #miniatures #figures #makingaboardgame #boardgame #prototype #3dprint #3dmodels #3dprinting

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