“Geomancer Pixie” ready for battle! :] #3dmodel #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprinting #3dmodeling #figure #miniatures #tabletop #character #characterdesign #pixelart #voxel
“Geomancer Pixie” ready for battle! :] #3dmodel #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprinting #3dmodeling #figure #miniatures #tabletop #character #characterdesign #pixelart #voxel
Say hi to the “Geomancer Pixie’s”, a 2-part model. She can terraform the board during the game, a pretty powerful little girl! :] #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprinting #3dmodel #voxel #pixel #3dmodeling #miniature #mini #character #boardgame #boardgamedesign #letsmakeaboardgame
This test batch contains two figures with bases and two Element Source tiles. If you have access to a 3d-printer (any system) yourself and would like to get the STL to help us testing, please drop us a line at info [@] qublar [dot] com. We would love to see how these chaps and tokens turn out on your printer! #3dprint #3dmodels #3dprinter #3dprinting #3dprinted #voxel #8bit #pixel #pixelart #betatest #prototyping #letsmakeaboardgame #boardgame #design
I’ve prepared a test batch to 3d-print some of our game components. If you have access to a 3d-printer (any system) yourself and would like to get the STL to help us testing, please drop us a line at info [@] qublar [dot] com. We would love to see how these chaps and tokens turn out on your printer! #3dprint #3dmodels #3dprinter #3dprinting #3dprinted #voxel #8bit #pixel #pixelart #betatest #prototyping #letsmakeaboardgame #boardgame #design
The whole batch… the quality is pretty good besides slight distorted dimensions. But i’m really not satisfied with the colors. The [Element Source] tiles are a mess and the figures have parts with complete other colors as defined in the 3d-file. #colorfail #noideawhatwentwrong #3dprint #3dprinted #3dmodels #3dprinting #boardgame #miniatures #token #8bit #8bitstyle #pixel #pixelart #3dpixelart
“Fire Gnoll” as full color #3dprint. Sadly there are some really annoying color errors on all prints… on the #shapeways preview they look nice thou. No idea where this comes from… :/ If anyone has experience with preparing 3d-models for color printing please let me know! #3dprinting #3dcolorprint #3dmodeling #miniature #tabletop #game #8bit #8bitstyle
Now here’s something for the ones that have no intention to grab brush and palette: Full color sandstone printed “swamp cobold” from #shapeways. We will release the colored 3d-models together with the free STL’s so you’ll be able to order your minis already “painted”! :] #3dprint #miniature #tabletop #figure #3dprinting #3dprinted #3dcolorprint #boardgame
there is something under construction… :] #letsmakeaboardgame #gamecomponents #boardgame #prototyping #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprintgame #3dprinter
The chaps assembled. To be honest I only like the design of the smallest one…the others need some redefining. but that’s one of the reasons why we love doing our complete board game with 3d-printing. :] #miniatures #figures #makingaboardgame #boardgame #prototype #3dprint #3dmodels #3dprinting
…and beer barrels! your hordes will be thirsty for sure after a well fought duell! :) #boardgame #3dprinted #3dprint #3dprinting #8bit #voxel #gamedevelopment #prototyping