Next batch! :) Complete [Core Tiles] set for two players plus the [Element Source] tiles and a few figures. #prototyping #boardgame #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprinter #gamecomponents #figures #miniatures #minis
Next batch! :) Complete [Core Tiles] set for two players plus the [Element Source] tiles and a few figures. #prototyping #boardgame #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprinter #gamecomponents #figures #miniatures #minis
Second game, the Fire and Earth tribes tried to conquer the enemy’s castles with a risky rush tactic. #boardgame #bgg #prototype #figures #miniatures #tactics #game #3dprint #3dprinting
Some more 4 player playtest pics. #boardgamegeek #boardgame #prototype #3dgame #3dprinted #3dprinting #gamenight
Our first 4 player match! We needed to improvise about the rules a little but the game went really well and was great fun! :] #boardgame #prototype #resources #tactics #tabletopgame #3dgame #3dprinted #3d-printing
We did see some close battles while the fire player got finally pushed back to his spawning base. #boardgame #boardgamegeek #brettspiel #tactical #3dimensional #3dprinted #3dprinting #miniatures #characters #monster #minis #cardgame #prototype
Pretty excited to have our first play test with folks who don’t know Qublar yet! :] #boardgame #strategyboardgame #prototype #modular #terrain #3dprinted #3dprint #3dgame #cards #token #figures #miniatures #8bit